How to Benefit from Personal Coaching

Hi! I'm pleased to offer affordable coaching appointments online.

  • I deal with a wide range of people and businesses with varying interests and audiences
  • For profit, non-profit, fun, hobbyist, or causes

I can offer guidance, clarity and support if you are:

  • Willing to explore various options to achieve your goals
  • Willing and able to put some time, focus and energy into your journey
  • Have an abundance and success mindset (or willing to work on that)
  • Willing to complete "Getting to Know You" form below, which will save you time and money!

I use Zoom on your computer, phone or tablet or phone.

  • NO VIDEO, so don't worry how you look!
  • I use Zoom because I can share my screen (you can share your screen, if you want).
  • We both can write or type notes.
  • Install, launch and TEST SOUND at least 30 minutes prior to our session! 
  • Don't waste session time trying to figure this out. Give yourself time and TEST SOUND!
  • Zoom How-To is below the "Getting to Know You Discovery" application.

Coaching Investment: $55 for 30 minutes, $100 for 60 minutes and $150 for 90 minutes. 

  • Payable in advance -- BEFORE setting up an Appointment. 
  • You can use PayPal and Credit Cards.

Click to Set Up Your 30 Minute Coaching Now


Use Acuity Calendar to set up an appointment (after payment):

  • Sunday - Saturday, 11 am to 9 PM PST
  • If you prefer other times and days, please Write Me
  • Provide preferred times in PST
  • Please allow at least 12 hours to cancel. Thanks!

Next: Please fill out "Getting to Know You Discovery" application, right below this section.

IF you are dreaming big and working on your mindset and taking action, you rock. 

Cos Dreaming Big Rocks! 

Getting to Know You

The following questions are for your use as well as mine.

  • Writing your thoughts will help maximize your time and money
  • If you won't write anything or just minimally, you will spend more money or less time sharing and clarifying info with me so I can best serve you 
  • I offer custom advice which only happens knowing your unique dreams, goals, issues and more
  • Enables you to feel more comfortable and confident we can move forward
  • Space for you to write issues and topics, if wanted
  • Fine if you are not sure how to answer any or many questions
  • Quite often, I share great advice based on something someone casually mentions and/or writes

After you complete the following, click or tap Zoom How-To to download and install. Info below your form, if needed. 

Click to Set Up Your 30 Minute Coaching Now

Zoom How-To

For Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Blackberry, Linux:

  • I do not turn on Video.
  • My computer has a post-it over built-in camera. I understand being camera shy.
  • Zoom is very popular and useful.

Install, Launch and Test Sound AT LEAST 30 minutes before session! 

  • Download Zoom to install.
  • Double-click the downloaded file to install Zoom.
  • If you need more instructions, step-by-step screenshots: Zoom Install
  • TEST THE SOUND! You don't want to waste paid time to set this up!
  • Don't wait til the last minute! Set up 30 minutes prior! Test the Sound!
  • If you absolutely cannot install it, we can possibly talk via phone but only within USA.
  • Or if you prefer Skype, we can do that. Tell me which you prefer.
  • But again, install and test so you are good to go at your reserved time.

"Join a Meeting" to Connect

  1. Go to Zoom.
  2. You should have been emailed your "Meeting ID" number. 
  3. Use that email to log in! Highlight it do something so you can find it when you need it.
  4. Meeting ID can be a 9, 10, or 11-Digit number (which ALSO might include the specific link to log into).
  5. Go to
  6. Click or Tap “Join a Meeting” tab on top right corner of homepage.
  7. When prompted, add your Meeting ID
  8. Done!

Sharing Your Screen:

  1. Click or Tap “Share Screen” at bottom of window.
  2. Only one person can use screen-share at a time.
  3. One person must “Stop Sharing” before someone else can start sharing.
  4. To stop sharing the screen, click or tap “Stop Sharing.”

Zoom Advantages:

  • Great for writing or typing ideas, questions, notes, links and follow-up tasks.
  • Difficult to remember the many details and suggestions I provide if you don't take notes.
  • YOU will BENEFIT MORE if you write or type notes.

What are you waiting for? Make it happen. Now's your op. IF you are Dreaming Big. Cos Dreaming Big Rocks!

"Watch. Create. Shine." Workshops

Start Now

Learn from a REAL Rockstar Photog and Teacher

Jenny Lens, MFA Master of Fine Arts

So many teaching online have never even taken one art or design course. I earned BA in Art (CSUN), Master of Fine Art in Design (CalArts) and Cert in Computer Graphics (UCLA) [extensive 2 year course], ALL with Honors. 

Taught at MAJOR schools, too. Plus every day I study and USE what I share here! Learn from a pro, in everyday language. 

I'm the MOST published early punk rock photog. In MAJOR museums too. Check out

IF you like the art and photos you see here, you ain't seen nothin' yet. You will love what I share in my Workshops designed for YOU!


Subscribe to newsletter for updates, deals and new stuff, esp cool new Workshops, webinars and freebies!

People Are Talking

"Jenny’s photo class has been a fun and easy way to introduce myself further into the world of photography and get some amazing insight from one of the real talents. From her amazing shots of punks greats, to real world aptitude, I felt honored to catch some insider tips to apply to my day to day photos and try to go further than I thought before~ Mark Heck

"Jenny has a great knack to make you look around and capture the mood either through manipulating manual settings or making the best of what you have at hand. I would recommend checking out these courses to anyone who wants to dream big and get inspired. I would rate my course 10/10 for inspiration alone. Thank you Jenny!" ~ Mark Heck

“Thanks for all the advice and support re my site design issues. Very useful and more than my designer discussed or suggested.” ~ Ashley Cherry

"YOU are THE Punk Rock Goddess Photographer!" ~Rodney Bingenheimer, the "Mayor of Sunset Strip."

"You would be a great teacher because you have a plethora of knowledge" ~ Kimra Luna, BTBY, Freedom Hackers Galaxy

"I think it is great that you are going the online teaching and coaching route. Your talents and skills will helpful to many!" ~ Jennifer Posner Lehner, The Front Row

"Your work made me realize that every show was an EVENT, a moment outside "real" life that should and could be internalized and immortalized. Making the ugly look good and the good look ugly. And the music didn't suck either." ~Erich Dye, Facebook

"Great pix. Jenny you are more than an artist. You caught the whole passion of those times. You should be world famous with all the financial security and recognition that brings." ~Liz Winchell, an early LA punk rocker

“We were contacted by a large organization with press, radio and other media coverage within first month after Jenny Lens redesigned our ecommerce site. 

Our site rarely displayed by Google til she performed her magic! I couldn’t buy media coverage like that for what I paid Jenny. She organized info, provided search engine strategies, a total facelift and trained me to use it. 

We were in business 12 years and no large company ever found us. Our previous ecommerce site was a mess, badly designed and hard to find info. Always a pleasure working with Jenny. Brightest, most energetic person I know. Fun too. She’s tough, but results worth it!” ~Mark Martinez, graphic artist and designer