• Every lesson in each workshop is listed and accessed separately
  • Watch whatever you want, whenever you want
  • Lessons last as long as it takes to complete a particular project or goal
  • See and learn how and why a REAL artist uses REAL tools and techniques to create compelling, memorable images which convey stories, add content and context to whatever story is being told
  • I share mistakes, gotchas, and work-arounds
  • You don't have to be perfect to create art. But knowing some art and marketing basics really make a difference!
  • No tests, no grades, no pressure
  • No Photoshopping your face onto an athlete's face. No bribery needed.
  • Feel good, have fun and go with the flow.
  • Due to info provided before registering and the digital nature, no refunds.

Best Viewing and Learning Experience
  • Chrome, Android and IOS are preferred platforms
  • IF Safari an issue, please install Chrome
  • Need wi-fi or ethernet connection
  • Preferable using a tablet, laptop or computer monitor for the more creative classes

IF you do not receive workshop info, write me so I can correct your email info. 

Questions? Write me. Thanks!

Meet Jenny Lens, MFA, Artistic Alchemist, Creative Instigator, Transformation Teacher, Punk Photographer and all that jazz

My mission is to remove fear and doubt, be inspiring and share the magic of art and tech. If you want to grow, are curious, open-minded, you are in the right place! 

Manifest your dreams

Do you see it, feel it, believe in your dreams and abilities?

IF I can do it, YOU can do it. With my guidance.

  • I’m the most published early west coast punk rock photographer. First gen, the fun years.
  • Photos in Metropolitan Museum of Art, Smithsonian, Grammy Museum, Rock Hall of Fame, tons of books, mags, docs.I sell and license prints andmerch online to an international market.
  • LOTS of insider tips! From photos to images for blogs, sites, choosing which platform for your blog, ecommerce and more. I cover the waterfront. Just for you.
  • Education: BA in Art, CSUN, Master of Fine Arts in Design, CalArts and Professional Certificate in Computer Graphics, UCLA.
  • I taught at major colleges such as Santa Monica College, universities (UCLA and more), tech/vocational schools and elsewhere.
  • I spoke at and reported for computer press on ALL the world's TOP computer and digital graphics conferences (MacWorld, SIGGRAPH, World Animation Festival and more).
  • Want more? I rarely update my resume, where photos used, articles published. See Punk Pioneers.
  • I live for art. Reading, studying, making and teaching anything related to art, design and tech. To help others.
  • Many inspiring images, insights, info and ideas: DreamingBig.Rocks
  • Questions? Write me.